• 5 Facts You Should Know about the Famous Zika Virus

    5 Facts You Should Know about the Famous Zika Virus
    By: Amiril Arifin

    You may have heard about Zika fever caused by Zika virus lately on TV or internet. This virus has spread widely across America, Oceania/Pasific Island, and Africa. You can check all countries & territories with active zika virus transmission here. Aedes Aegypti mosquito is the main vector. These following 5 facts  about zika virus are expected to increase our alertness about the spread of the virus.

    1. Zika Virus was named after Zika Forest

    facts about zika virus you should know from discovered to vaccine clinical human trial
    credit: CNN

    In 1947, a group of researcher (George W. Dick, Stuart F. Kitchen, and Alexander J. Haddow) made an experiment in the Zika Forest populated by monkeys and Aedes africanus mosquito. They monitored the monkey's (rhesus 766) temperatur and got it elevated to 40 C (from 39 C). The monkey brought to the lab and had its blood taken. The serum was injected to the first group of albino mice intracerebrally (head) and intraperitoneally (abdomen) to the second one. The first group developed fever but the other one did not show any abnormalities. The researchers succeeded isolating the unknown virus from the brain of sicked mice and name it 'Zika Virus'. [1]

    2. Zika Virus can be transmitted in many ways, including pregnancy and sexual transmition

    facts about zika virus you should know from discovered to vaccine clinical human trial
    credit: thebreastcaresite.com
    According to Europan Center for Disease Prevention and Control, Zika virus can be transmitted by Aedes Aegypti mosquito (and other Aedes sp), pregnant woman to her fetus, sexual transmition, blood tranfusion and organ transplantation. [2] So, mosquito control and bite prevention are important. Also considered to check the blood in the clinical laboratory just to be sure before planning or during pregnancy.

    3. 80% of infected people dont feel any sign and symptom

    facts about zika virus you should know from discovered to vaccine clinical human trial

    Patients commonly do not feel any sign and symptom but they may experience pain in the back of the eyes, joints, or muscles. There are common symptoms such as eye redness, headache, skin rash, vomiting, fever, fatique, and sweating. [3] The infection is short-lasting and self-limiting (be cured) in 2-7 days without severe complication. [2] The patient should rest, drink enough water to prevent dehidration, and take supportive medication based on signs and symptoms.

    4. Zika virus infection during pregnancy caused microcephaly

    facts about zika virus you should know from discovered to vaccine clinical human trial
    Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) confirmed there is a link that zika virus infection caused  microcephaly and brain defect to the fetus. In consequence, there are following problem occur to the baby such as seizure, developmental delay, intellectual disability, difficulty swallowing, hearing and vision problem. [4] These effects are irreversible.

    5. There is no vaccine, but clinical trial is being investigated

    facts about zika virus you should know from discovered to vaccine clinical human trial
    credit: nih.gov
    The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) has lauched clinical trial to 80 volunteers aged 18-35 years. The phase-1 trial will evaluate the vaccine's safety and its ability to generate immune response.  [5] There are all 4 phases need to be passed before the vaccine can safely be used as preventive medication. The vaccine itself is made from a piece of Zika's DNA (called: plasmid) contains gene that code protein for Zika. When this gene is injected to human body, immune system will try to neutralize it and will save the blueprint in the immune cell memory. If re-infection occurs, the memory cell will produce massive immune system to fight the real virus. 
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